Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Meander

River meander
Retrieved March 31,2012 from:

You may be wondering why I write something about “Meander”. Acturally, I don’t know, eiter. But what I can only say that as far as I knew “meander”, I found the defination was not detailed enough to contain its every meaning. As known, in art and architecture, meander is a decotative border constructed from a continuous line, shaped into a repeated theme; in mythology, Meander is a river god who protects the Maeander River in Turkey; in general, meander is a bend in sinuous watercourse and it is formed when the moving water in a stream erodes the outer banks and widens its valley. However, those explanations are not complete for my meander. I think meander appears everywhere in our life.

Dead Man Cartoon
Retrieved March 31,2012 from:
Meander appears in our talk. If someone died, we are not willing to say he died straightly, for instead, we would say he passed away. This is what I say “meander in talk”. A large number of people would not say something bad in a direct way, so they change a way to express. We can still use “he died” as an example, there are many ways to say “die”, such as, he is sleeping forever”, “he leaves forever” or “ he lives in our memory”. Nevertheless, “meander in talk” cannot be applied for everything. If you make a definition for a word or explan a topic, you are expected to give esstentials in simple language and use a few simple remarks, insteading of using tons of obscure words. At this moment, if you use “meander”, your audiences will be confused.

Retrieved March 31,2012 from:
Meander appears in our writing. For one aspect, meander in writing is like meander in talk, people change the way they write and use another way to desicribe.  So now, we forcus on the other aspect. Creating terror is the most important step in the process of creating horror fiction, and “meander” will make it succeed.  When you read a horror story, you will find that author hardly give a clear description to the mysterious character, and everything seems in fog. By the “meander in writing” in horror fiction, readers are thirst for the ending so that they will finish the story soon. Overall, it is “meander in writing” that makes horror stories more attractive.

Meander appears in the whole process of our life. Because of the meander made by river, we get to kown how to enjoy the scenery along the river bank (not the destanation, but the mood of enjoying the scenery along the way); because of the meander in life (like the setback in life), we get to know how to face with seperation between friends or family members; because of the meander in love (like the hinder in being in love), we get to know how to cherish the moment the one stay with us (the blog, happy life:one gal's plunge into the present, shows a great article about love).
Retrieved March 31,2012 from:

In my opinion, meander appears everywhere. You don’t know, just since you didn’t notice. If you pay more attention, you will find that meander in talk is a way of talking with implied meaning, meander in writing is a way of using “unclear” words to set a “clear” and attrative  atmosphere for a story, meander in life is challenge and hinder during our life.

Friday, March 23, 2012


JasonSWrench,(2009) Transactional Model of Communication.
Retrieved March 23,2012 from:

Communication is defined as the activity of conveying information. There are three parts, which are senders, sources(messages) and recivers. Senders send messages to recivers, and then recivers give the feedback, in other words, somehow, recivers also can be senders. 

Creature can’t live without communication, and it has many types, like face-to-face talk, online chat, and so on. When I was a kid, I just considered communication as simple face-to-face talk. In my opinion, communication is simply talking to someone. There should be at less two people to do this activity. People who are involved in communication say what they want to share with others, and obtain what they like. During this process, everyone outputs messages and inputs information at the same time. For the content, they can talk about what the next season business project is, or how to manage their garden, or even what their pet eat for this moring. People can talk about whatever they like.
Devidy Pet Warehouse
Retrieved March 23,2012 from:

However, communication should not be as simple as face-to-face talk, but it can be online chat (long distance talk) or other forms of exchanging information. In our generation, everyone is capable of searching internet, we prefer chat with others by Facebook, MSN, or Twitter instead of in person. We can talk with someone we know, or someone who is completely strange to us. Twitter is a good example. On the one hand, people tweet about their ideas, opinions, or what they are doing, on the other hand, they also gain new information they interested from reading tweets. By searching with # hashtag, I can know how a restaurant is, where to buy a cheap fancy shirt and the result of a dodgeball game and so on. My friend Brenda is sharing her experience about Twitter in her blog named "Confession of a Twitter Skeptic", if you are willing to read, you can go and enjoy.

In addition, reading and writing also can be considered as a type of communication. An author writing an article is a way of showing his opinions or feelings about something, while a reader reading this article is to obtain the author's opinions or feelings. Based on what he gains, the reader may have their own idea about this certain thing and he may make feedback to the author. In a sentence, communication should have the exchange of information.

Now, I am a CSL student and volunteering with University of Alberta Campus Food Bank(CFB), I  should do four class presentations per month to let more students know about our CFB. I think class presentation is another way of communication, since students know more about our services and how to get involved after we presenting.

All in all, communication is sending and receiving information, it has many forms, and we can't live without it!

Watch out ! You are reading my blog, so you and I are having communication NOW !
Sephora.(2009) Funny Hello
Retrieved March 23,2012 from: